Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Yard Sale

Hey a big thanks again to everybody who donated things to the yard sale and also a big thanks to everybody who showed up and bought some junk!!! I hope all the tools are serving everyone well. All in all the yard sale made $427. So right now I am way over what I needed and will make a decision after my trip about what to do with the excess.

I have a meeting with the Journey 2009 team this Saturday the 18th. I'll let you all know how that goes.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Goal Reached!!!

Well a big thanks to everybody for the financial support!!! We reached the total before we even had the yard sale. The yard sale is still on, so come on down and say hello.

Just a reminder that all the extra money is coming with me to Vegas. Puttin' it all on black!!! Haha I kid I kid. Some of the extra money I will give directly to Chilumba (Heritage's sister church in Malawi) and the rest I will have to figure out how it can best be donated to the continuing Malawi mission effort.

Again thank you all for your monetary and yard sale donations!!! Check back after the yard sale and I'll let everybody know how much we make there.